Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine: A Review

“A woman who knew her own mind and scorned the conventions of polite society. We were going to get along just fine.” ~Eleanor Oliphant

Gail Honeyman’s debut novel Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine is a book full of unintentional humor and quirks.  The story follows an introvert who spends her Friday nights with a margarita pizza and a bottle of vodka and her days at a boring office job with a cryptic crossword and a meal deal. However, this all changes when she stumbles upon love at first sight with a handsome musician in a pub and becomes unlikely friends with an unkempt guy from IT.  “Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine” is a novel about a lonely woman navigating the sea of social interaction for the first time.

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Six Summer Suggestions

Summer is the best time for reading (especially for those of us still in school). Free time and weather that allows us to be outside makes for prime reading opportunities. Stack some pillows or tie up a hammock, bring out a good book and you’re set. However, it is very easy for books not to fit your summer mood. You can also be left in a slump, starting book after book but never finishing. Having been through both of those (terribly horrendous) situations I have a few recommendations on what to read this summer! Continue reading “Six Summer Suggestions”