Many fantasy readers know and love the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo. Reveling in the strength of Inej, the cleverness of Kaz, as well as the traits of the other characters. So why not channel the book’s very spirit into my outfit choice?
First I looked at the covers, for at least some color inspiration. I wanted the outfit to have some sort of connection to what the books looked like. Thus I figured out my base colors: red, black, white, and cream.
Next I tried to channel some of the personality from between the pages. Maybe something fun since they work in a bar/casino. Something comfy as they move around/are busy a lot. I wanted to channel the characters, and the plot into the outfit I wore.
Finally I settled on a few pieces that would be swapped. I had black overalls, and gray and black marbled sweater, and red sweater, and black/white gingham pants. I went with the red sweater (one of the main colors from the covers), and the gingham pants for the final outfit. It was confortable so I could move. But the combination of the bright sweater with the patterned pants made the outfit more fun. Of course I paired it with balck high top vans in the end! I hope you can find some Ketterdam Street Style in your wardrobe as well!