I found myself standing in front of a bookshelf, like I have so many times before. Then my friend shoved a book in my hand and said- “Here, I heard this was good and its short so.” Before this book entered my hands I was stuck in a novel for school that was too long, and unable to hold my attention. Thus The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho made its way into my life.
The plot follows a young man living in Spain as a shepherd. Affected by seemingly supernatural forces he then decided to literally follow his dreams, and goes in search of treasure he saw in his sleep induced dreams. The plot is truly an astounding adventure. Following him through his doubts, his hopes, and his adventures around the world. Finding himself in Morocco working in a business, then a caravan across the Sahara, before eventually ending back in Spain after an enlightening experience at the Pyramids. The plot was thoroughly engaging.
Character development was astounding. In both the main character as well as secondary characters. His motives changing as he grew more knowledgeable. His heart evolving as he was experiencing more. The pages held between them his mind and soul; which readers got to see grow.
Setting wise, the book was a world wide adventure. I felt as if I could feel the deserts sand between my toes. As if I could feel the sun warming my cheeks. He built the setting using descriptive words, enough to elicit a response when reading. Over all Paulo Coelho’s settings, as well as plot and character development were spectacular to behold.